Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:4 | Pastor: David Zook | Series: What's the Point? | So, we come back to the initial question that The Teacher has been seeking answers to.…
Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 8:10-17 | Pastor: David Zook | Series: What's the Point? | Sometimes righteous men fail. Sometimes the wicked succeed. This lament is found throughout the Bible and…
Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 7:1-14 | Pastor: David Zook | Series: What's the Point? | Our culture seeks happiness and avoids pain at all costs. But, The Teacher comes to a…
Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 3:1-22 | Pastor: David Zook | Series: What's the Point? | Not just the old song by the Byrds, this set of verses in Ecclesiastes points to…
Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 1:1-11 | Pastor: David Zook | Series: What's the Point? | The Teacher was a scientist. He faced the hard question of life and so he began…